Mindfulness- What Actually Is It?

Tuesday, 23 April 2019
One term that is always floating around is mindfulness and it's not just in blogs and social media, but in the day to day life, books and traditional media, but what actually is it?! I honestly wasn't too sure of the full meaning or completely understand it until recently.

In short, mindfulness is a very simple and basic form of meditation that can be done by anyone, anywhere. It is the process of being aware and living in the moment and not thinking/worrying about future or hanging onto the past. Mindfulness helps you to appreciate and experience every moment to its fullest.

It is also a way to acknowledge and accept your own feelings, thoughts and movements, meaning it can be used a therapeutic technique and can help to combat stress, anxiety and nerves - this is where I tend to use mindfulness more mindfully as certain things, such as before going to an event to help me become calmer and to stop worrying so much.

Think about how many times you've sat down to eat a meal and before you know it, it's all gone but you felt like you did really taste it? Or when you've left the house and can't remember if you've turned the straighteners off? Mindfulness takes us off auto pilot and brings you back into the moment and makes you start noticing the little things.

Next time you're flicking through a magazine, don't do just that on auto pilot - actually think about it and enjoy! Feel the paper in your hands, notice the colours used on the page, be aware of the movement of turning the page and the sound it makes. If your mind starts to wander - which it will - bring yourself back into the moment kindly and gently. You can apply this to pretty much anything from a chocolate bar to a cup of tea, mindfulness just makes you more aware of what you are actually doing.

Do you mindfully practice mindfulness and would you like more posts like this - or on anything else for the matter?
I'm always up for suggestions, so either leave them in the comments below or feel free to tweet me them
Love Laura x


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